Why, why, why, welcome to the e-tutorial series. In this tutorial, we will learn how to complete a household food shipment claim for civilian relocation, specifically part two of the DD 1351 - Travel Voucher Form. Before we begin, please ensure that you are filling out the most current version, which is dated May 2011. Previous versions will not be accepted. You can find the date at the bottom left corner of the form. When submitting a household goods claim for payment, you must include a completed DD 1351 - Travel Voucher Form with each submission. Additionally, please provide legible copies of all orders, including any amendments. Please check for any additional amendments that may have been added after the initial orders. In this example scenario, Jane Doe will be completing a DD 1351-NASH form to show her household goods relocation from Cleveland, Ohio to Indianapolis, Indiana. She was authorized a government bill of lading (GBL) shipment and chose to personally procure the move. You are required to complete blocks one through nine. All payments will be sent to your electronic fund transfer (EFT) account, also known as your direct deposit account. However, if you use the government travel charge card for official travel, you can select a split disbursement option. This means that a portion of your travel payment will be sent directly to pay off your travel charge card. Please mark the appropriate option in the bottom left of the block and enter the dollar amount to the right. Next, enter Jane Doe's name, address, and social security number in blocks two through four. In block five, select "PCS" as the type of payment to indicate that you are seeking reimbursement for a permanent change of station entitlement. As an employee, you will also select "Member/Employee," and if you have dependents accompanying you,...
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1351-2 Form: What You Should Know
The DTS DD form 1351-2 will be a “one-time only” voucher, it's not a debit card for travel, but a form for members. A VOUCHER tickets. Voucher tickets can be used on one-way flights for a period of 30 days and on return trips for up to five and a half months. They are for airline and hotel use only. The total Voucher cost will be equal to the price of a round trip ticket on a different carrier, hotel, or both, or 10.50 less than the price for a round trip ticket on the same carrier, hotel, or both. The following examples are suggested and the most appropriate price range to consider as the starting point: Example #1. Airport 2. Taxi 3. Hotel or RV rental 4. Tour. (Hotel or RV rental cost for 2 people, 3 people 1,000 total) 10.30 total 10.40 total Example #2. Airport 9. Taxi 11. Hotel or RV rental 14.20 total 924.20 total 1,080.40 total Example #3. Airport 16. Taxi 19. Hotel or RV rental 20.20 total 1,085.20 total 1,200.40 total Example #4. Airport 23. Taxi 25. Hotel or RV rental 27.80 total 1,146.20 total 1,286.80 total Example #1. Airport 9.40 (Ticket cost 1 person, 2 persons total) 4.10 (Airport ticket price) Example #2. Hotel 4. Total Hotel and RV rental cost for two people 9.40 10.00 (Hotel and RV rental price) Example #3. Airport or Taxi 2. Airport or Taxi ticket cost 2 and no hotel or RV rental 1.60 Example #4. Airport or Taxi 2. Airport or Taxi ticket cost 1 and no hotel or RV rental 0.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing 1351-2 form